title: Four Ways of Serving Humanity
date: Mon Jun 3, 3013
Fasting day of Rudraman and first day of classes for all elementary student in the news.The feeling was totally new kind of fear to the kinder and grade 1 students .they also bring a bottle of milk for 7 year old and below. Not bad .The news requires registration of maids,and street foods are under careful monitoring. Street foods includes bbq with lead contamination,eggs with food color ,boiled egg of quails,chicken egg and chicken recipes,pork and pork recipes ,fish and fish recipes,balut , chicharon from shrimp and fish crackers, street shakes and ice cream,they are all uncertain kind of food. its a gamble. Shanti is always online for P200 pesos for 5 days internet. Its better than > P20 /day of Lotto of Isuperb. Its better than >P60 /day of jueteng. Some rich are taking drugs its a part of their budget and some poor do the drug dealing and drugs are coming from laboratories .In the past news those laboratories are run by Chinese drug factory,other nationalities are also involved ie from africa ,s. america,Philppines etc ,they will rent a house or a condo unit in a rich village or a unit in a city or province then put up a laboratory there ,then concerned citizen will report them to the authorities and they will be apprehended.The news exposed what airlines needed ,same with land transport emergency situation must addressed also .Rudraman have to save P1 /day for his future. Philippine peso must increase its value so that a peso will be sufficient for every Filipino needs. Back to illegal drugs ,illicit drugs in the wrong hand other than doctors are dangerous ,if drivers use shabu,and drink alcohol it will be dangerous, leaders should not use illegal drugs or narcotics.Drugs are threat to the mind of a person , it will result to organizations of drug syndicates, street gangs, etc they are tend to distribute drugs to clubs, party's, government offices, jails etc , and the result is they create protection for themselves to make sure their supply is continues .Out of that GTA games and movies have portrayed those consequences. They will steal chocolates cellphones etc just to provide for their drug addiction. Not only that ,most bakeries have houseflies in their bakeries.Houseflies are everywhere and must be regulated they are like carriers of microbes, like drug dealers are carriers of Shabu,weeds ,heroin and name it . Drug controls drug addicts and capitalists control people with money, everywhere is exploitation. That's why the universe is a big prison cell. Everyone must have human frame to attain salvation ,others who have lived animal life became animals themselves,other who worship money , turn themselves to money and now locked up inside a vault or somewhere in the hidden security box of business people and capitalists. One cannot give love to impersonal things ,love should e given to God, in human form ,one cannot worship the stars the moon the nature its animism, its worshiping creations of the Great not the great Himself.No one can realize the Self without a Master a Guru no one can learn by itself. That's why there should be no more confusion a teaching must be direct , and no hidden agenda. You can see in schools , if the school is school for pilots they will teach things related to airplane and flying ,same with Self Realization and Service to God they will teach serving people and Self Realization. there are four ways of serving Humanity 1. serving by means of labor 2. serving by means of financial 3. serving by using your intellect and 4 serving in courageous way helping the elder cross the street,being a military etc.Also watering the plants,maintaining arts, feeding the poor,doing relief ,medical camps etc. Remember service is like giving rice and that's it no more price. If there is a price that is business its not service. Humanity now is neo humanism which means the universe is for everybody animate or inanimate must enjoy Love. -ac
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